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Colton Simmons
5 min read
Ted Lasso's Enneagram Type
After studying the Enneagram for over a decade and becoming a true Ted Lasso fan (insomuch that we visited Richmond for a couple days in...
Colton Simmons
11 min read
The Enneagram and Myers-Briggs
The goal of You've Got a Type is to help people better understand the Enneagram, not Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is a...
Colton Simmons
12 min read
Enneagram Types in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
While I’m not a big fan of using personality assessments on fictional characters because it usually devolves into silly debates, I was...
Colton Simmons
8 min read
Relationships with Enneagram Nines
If you’re in a relationship with an Enneagram Nine, then you should know that their ego is telling them that life is better if things...
Colton Simmons
9 min read
Relationships with Enneagram Eights
Here are five things you need to know if you're in a relationship with an Type 8.
Colton Simmons
8 min read
Relationships with Enneagram Sevens
Here are the five things you need to know if you're in a relationship with an Enneagram 7.
Colton Simmons
8 min read
Relationships with Enneagram Sixes
Here are the five things to know if you're in a relationship with a Type 6.
Colton Simmons
8 min read
Relationships with Enneagram Fives
If you’re in a relationship with an Enneagram Five, here are the five major things you should know.
Colton Simmons
8 min read
Relationships with Enneagram Fours
If you’re in a relationship with an Enneagram Four, then you should know that their ego is telling them that they are both uniquely...
Colton Simmons
8 min read
Relationships with Enneagram Threes
If you’re in a relationship with an Enneagram Three, then you should know that their ego is constantly telling them that you earn love by...
Colton Simmons
8 min read
Relationships with Enneagram Twos
If you’re in a relationship with an Enneagram Two, then you should know their ego is telling them that you earn love by meeting people's...
Colton Simmons
8 min read
Relationships with Enneagram Ones
If you’re in a relationship with an Enneagram Type One, then you need know their ego is constantly telling them that a good life is...
Colton Simmons
13 min read
Enneagram Type Nine Explained
If you are easily satisfied with the simple things, get along with everybody, and are afraid of conflict, you may be a Type 9 Peacemaker.
Colton Simmons
15 min read
Enneagram Type Eight Explained
If you are full of intense energy, often want to be in charge, and love to push people to their best, you may be a Type Eight Challenger.
Colton Simmons
13 min read
Enneagram Type Seven Explained
If you are always down for a good time, full of ideas, love to find things before they’re popular, you may be a Type 7 Enthusiast.
Colton Simmons
16 min read
Enneagram Type Six Explained
If you are responsible, love your routines, and are a mix of independence and committed relationships, you may be a Type Six Loyalist.
Colton Simmons
12 min read
Enneagram Type Five Explained
If you are filled with intellectual curiosity and can be alone in your head for days, you might be a Type Five Investigator.
Colton Simmons
15 min read
Enneagram Type Four Explained
If you are creative, sensitive, can be fairly dramatic & often feels a bit melancholy about life, then you may be a Type Four Individualist.
Colton Simmons
16 min read
Enneagram Type Three Explained
If you are wildly charismatic, charming, tend to have a great reputation at work, then you might be a Type 3 Achiever.
Colton Simmons
15 min read
Enneagram Type Two Explained
If you or someone you know rarely talks about their own needs, is compassionate, & occasionally explodes with resentment, they may be a Two.
Colton Simmons
15 min read
Enneagram Type One Explained
Type One's are driven by a sense of purpose, have a deep passion for justice, and struggles with self-righteous anger.
Colton Simmons
13 min read
Enneagram Childhood Experiences
PART I: Types 1 - 5 PART II: Types 6 - 9 One of the first things that really blew me away about the Enneagram was that each Type has it's...
Colton Simmons
6 min read
Hornevian Triad Overview
Ok, so you walked into a room full of people you don't know very well. It could be a job interview, an awkward birthday party, or...
Colton Simmons
6 min read
The Harmonic Triad Overview
We all experience pain, adversity, failure, and/or trauma in this life at some point. However, we all choose to deal with that pain in...
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